AIDS, Civil Resistance … and Fauci

Civil Resistance (Non-Violent Direct Action) played an important role in the early stages of the AIDS pandemic in the 1980ies to channel public funding into drug development and promote patient access to treatment. After the disease started spreading in the homosexual community in the USA in 1981 in a conservative culture of ignorance and victim…

Multi-Purpose Protest Banner for Climate Action [Ready-to-Print]

1. Background Public protests should show its messages clearly and protest banners have great visibility even in large crowds (in combination with telescope poles or ceiling support poles, eg in Sweden the BILTEMA store has a great selection, cf Art. 86-070) or on large buildings. Although re-using old cloth (e.g. old bedsheets) is eco-friendly, disadvantages…

Psychosocial mechanisms contributing to climate change and climate action [DRAFT]]

The following text lists psychosocial mechanisms contributing to climate change and climate action: Climate Crisis Individual belief system Cognition: complex problem solving research, incl poor performance solving problems with time lag between cause and effect, non-linearity (cf research by Dietrich Dörner) Confirmation bias Fundamental attribution error Mechanisms of creating doubt (cf Naomi Oreskes, Merchants of…

The Meaning of Money [DRAFT]

The following essay explores the meaning of money inspired by Modern Monetary Theory [1] and its relevance regarding ecological crises, especially the climate crisis. 1. Assumptions Money consists of statements about human behaviour in the future. The value of money depends on the shared belief of a group of humans. The shared belief is created…

Human greed is a moderator of stupidity

“We are in danger of destroying ourselves by our greed and stupidity. We cannot remain looking inwards at ourselves on a small and increasingly polluted and overcrowded planet. ” [1, also 2] Stephen Hawking In my opinion “stupidity” is largely caused by “flock behaviour” which defines as smart what the majority of the peer group…

Blacking out and removing hidden information in PDFs by conversion to raster format

PDF documents may contain information which an author may remove before publication or sharing with specific target groups. While PDF editors (eg, Linux/Xournal) or graphic programs(eg Linux/GIMP) allow “blacking out” information, PDF files with vectorized information keep the hidden information, eg text, which can be marked and copied and pasted into another document, and further…

FM radio transmitters and smartphones with FM radio receivers maybe a low-cost, high-quality audio system for public protests

1. Introduction Civil rights movements (“grassroots”) focusing, for example, on ecological justice,  racial justice, or economic justice have usually little budget available to organize public protests. Visual messages, eg posters and banners, and audible messages are key elements at public protests. While I am presenting tutorials to create visuals elsewhere [1], I want to propose…

Angela Merkel weiß seit 1995, dass 2020 der kritische Punkt in der Klimakrise war und hat Klimaschutz blockiert

Die Bundesumweltministerin und Leiterin der 1. Weltklimakonferenz (COP1, Berlin) Angela Merkel kannte den Bericht des WBGU (1995) [1] wahrscheinlich in- und auswendig, dh Kanzlerin Merkel weiß seit 1995 Jahren, dass im Jahr 2020 ein kritischer Punkt (möglicherweise point of no return) erreicht wird. “Die Fortsetzung der gegenwärtigen Emissionspraxis (Business as Usual) würde uns zwar noch…
