Racism – A statistical comment

Big data and artificial intelligence may be useful in fighting racism, if we replace race as a (weak) predictor of future behaviour (eg past of future crime) [Reference missing] with other (sufficiently) informative predictors (eg social score?). However, this would require citizens to share personal information with public authorities, which creates new risks. However, by…

Capitalism, growth, and the planetary boundaries

1. Introduction It is a common assumption that the global neoliberal capitalist economic system requires economic growth in terms of the gross domestic product (GDP) to avoid recession an collapse. Scientists argue that constant (exponential) growth is not possible on a finite planet and the continuing conversion of natural resources (abiotic and biotic) will deplete…

Why climate justice needs both love and rage

Summary The following text presents the concept of the “three modes of nature”, ie tamas (“passivity”), rajas (“activity”), and sattwa (“balance”),  from Indian philosophy. The basic idea states that these conflicting modes of human nature (prakriti)  creates a fundamental dilemma which does not allow humans to perform good, peaceful and powerful actions in the real…
