Protest chants

Since I am rather new to protest in public, and sometimes I feel rather lame just holding up my protest poster I have collected and made up some chants which one sing and shout (preferably with a loudspeaker ;-)) [more to come]: English “The classic”: Call: What do we want? Reply: Save the climate! Call:…

Protest #3 on Saturday, 2019-03-23, Forumtorget, Uppsala

I protested against climate breakdown for the third time on Saturday, 13-15pm, 2019-03-23, at Forumtorget, Uppsala. Although I have gotten more and more Facebook likes, I was protesting on my own. The pedestrian zone was very populated so I got a lot of exposure, but there were few interactions, since I assume people just preferred…

How to create a protest banner!

I recently designed a professional protest banner to support public protest by creating more attention and to make my key message more visible. Here, I would like to share a short tutorial to help other activists to create their own protest banner (or copy mine!). I designed the poster with LibreImpress (ODP format) using the…

“We will STOP you!” – An adaptation of Queen’s “We will rock you!” to support public protests against the fossil-fuel industry

An adaptation of Brian May’s rock anthem “We will rock you!” from Queen’s album “News of the World” (1977)  to support school kids striking against climate change, in general, or the fossil-fuel industry, in particular (original in bold vs modified italics) (Sorry, Freddie!). I wonder whether these lyrics with the famous “stomp-stomp-clap” would work at…

Kick-off protest on Saturday, 2019-03-02, in Uppsala

After I successfully applied for a permission to protest against climate breakdown in the pedestrian zone (Forumtorget) on Saturdays in Uppsala, Sweden, I would like to share some experiences after 4.5 hours of protest. Highlights: A family (both parents and three kids) joined for one hour with self-designed protest posters 2 friends stopping by  Interesting…

Download audio files to support public protests!

I am making the audio files below available which I find useful to support protests by playing the audio files to the public, eg playing the audio tracks from a smartphone, SD card, etc using a megaphone. (Note: I am using this megaphone, which I am happy with so far [PEARL, Germany] [AMAZON, Germany]. From…

Don’t mention the emergency? [BOOKLET + FLYER]

I just came across the following 24-page brochure which I found excellent in terms of condensing current science regarding the climate crisis into messages and actions, while firmly based on  psychology (esp. social, behavioral and clinical psychology) with statements well-referenced in the (scientific) literature. Some highlights: According to Professor of Psychology Noam Shpancer: “Human beings…

Deutsche Übersetzung der Gegendarstellung von Greta Thunberg vom 2. Februar 2019

Der folgende Text ist eine inoffizielle deutsche Übersetzung (Übersetzung: Wilmar Igl) der englischen Gegendarstellung der Klimaaktivistin Greta Thunberg, welche sie am 2. Februar 2019 auf Twitter [1] bzw Facebook [2] veröffentlicht hat. Eine Kopie des englischen Originaltextes [2] ist im Folgenden wiedergegeben. Deutsche Übersetzung Vor kurzem habe ich gesehen, dass viele Gerüchte über mich im…
