The 2019 report of The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change

Executive Summary The Lancet Countdown is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration, dedicated to monitoring the evolving health profile of climate change, and providing an independent assessment of the delivery of commitments made by governments worldwide under the Paris Agreement. The 2019 report presents an annual update of 41 indicators across five key domains: climate change impacts, exposures, and…

On strategy and tactics of Extinction Rebellion

After Extinction Rebellion activists blocked a subway in London by climbing onto the roof of a train, passengers reacted furious and dragged activists from the roof or chased them on the roof. The action was then seen by the media as a “backlash” or “failure” [0]. Personally I do not share this view based on…

Int. Extinction Rebellion Week, Berlin, Oct 7 – A personal summary

The official (German) final press release of the International Extinction Rebellion Week in Berlin is linked below [1]. My personal highlights: Active participation in the meeting “re:claim THE HOUSE” including member of parliament of various parties (CDU, SPD, Grüne, FDP, Linke) and various climate movements (Fridays/Scientists For Future, Extinction Rebellion, Ende Gelände,…) including Prof. Volker…

re:claim THE HOUSE – Dialog mit Mitgliedern des Deutschen Bundestags in Berlin

Note: German and English version available. Deutsche und Englische Version verfügbar. Deutsch. Durch einen glücklichen Zufall konnte ich heute, 16. Oktober 2019, 14-16Uhr, an dem Dialog “re:claim THE HOUSE” zwischen Vertretern verschiedener Klimabewegungen (Prof. Volker Quaschning und Dr. Gregor Hagedorn für “Scientists for Future”, Clara Mayer  für “Fridays for Future”, Ende Gelände, Extinction Rebellion, uva…

How to make a protest sticker!

1. Introduction

To support protests against the climate crisis, in addition to public protests, banners, etc, protest stickers are another medium to make your message visible and literally  “stick”. Their advantage is that stickers can be distributed without causing to much attention, e.g. at a public place, without having to expect negative consequences for the protester. Stickers are also a nice give-away to passengers, esp if they are visually appealing.

2. Tutorial

Here, I would like to present a short tutorial how to design and print protest stickers. It is a work flow which I tested and worked for me:

  1. Design the sticker using SCRIBUS!
    Note: Read the printing requirements (e.g. file format, file size, resolution, color model, …) of your selected printshop and apply it to your design! Example: Flyeralarm Printing Guide
    Example:  see below
  2. Export to PDF format with a resolution of 356 dpi from SCRIBUS (Note: use PDF1.5 with transparencies, PDF/x-3 does not allow transparencies!)
    Example: see below
  3. Select size and number of stickers at Flyeralam printshop. I selected Vegan Stickers, round, diameter 9.5 cm, white paper, 4 colours, 250 copies, 4 colors, 623SEK [ORDER NOW!]
    Note: The offer by Flyeralarm was the best quality at lowest price I could find!
  4. Upload the file in PDF format with CMYK color model!
    Example: see below
  5. Approve and submit to printing!
  6. Delivery (in Sweden) after about 1 week via UPS!

The (real) top environmental problems

”I used to think the top environmental problems were biodiversity loss, ecosystem collapse, and climate change. I thought that with 30 years of good science we could address those problems. But I was wrong. The top environmental problems are selfishness, greed, and apathy … and to deal with those we need a spiritual and cultural…

The Greta-Thunberg Phenomenon

There are multiple factors which have lead from a solo strike by Greta Thunberg on 20 August 20, 2018, to a global climate and ecological movement with about 4 million people protesting on September 20, 2019, which are already sufficiently described [1]. However, the main factors are in my opinion that Greta Thunberg’s combination of…

Angela Merkel at the UN Global Climate Change Summit 2019

I consider Chancellor Merkels statements on climate change policy harmful misleading nonsense trying to pretend she cared about climate change [¹]. Just some comments on some of her statements: Proposing a “global solution” after decades of political inaction on the international level, showing that there will be no global solution, means just continuing the old…

Global Week For Future, Sep 20-27, 2019, Program, Uppsala

Program “Global Week For Future”, Uppsala (update: 2019-09-09, se Facebook Event) Note: Akta! Det finns två stora strejks (lite förvirrande): Den 23 september kallar FN:s generalsekreterare António Guterres världsledarna till ett extrainsatt klimatmöte på grund av de stora skolstrejkerna för klimatet. Runt detta möte planerar FridaysForFuture världen över en hel vecka av aktioner som börjar…
