Multi-Purpose Protest Banner for Climate Action [Ready-to-Print]

1. Background Public protests should show its messages clearly and protest banners have great visibility even in large crowds (in combination with telescope poles or ceiling support poles, eg in Sweden the BILTEMA store has a great selection, cf Art. 86-070) or on large buildings. Although re-using old cloth (e.g. old bedsheets) is eco-friendly, disadvantages…

Psychosocial mechanisms contributing to climate change and climate action [DRAFT]]

The following text lists psychosocial mechanisms contributing to climate change and climate action: Climate Crisis Individual belief system Cognition: complex problem solving research, incl poor performance solving problems with time lag between cause and effect, non-linearity (cf research by Dietrich Dörner) Confirmation bias Fundamental attribution error Mechanisms of creating doubt (cf Naomi Oreskes, Merchants of…
