Deutsche Übersetzung der Gegendarstellung von Greta Thunberg vom 2. Februar 2019

Der folgende Text ist eine inoffizielle deutsche Übersetzung (Übersetzung: Wilmar Igl) der englischen Gegendarstellung der Klimaaktivistin Greta Thunberg, welche sie am 2. Februar 2019 auf Twitter [1] bzw Facebook [2] veröffentlicht hat. Eine Kopie des englischen Originaltextes [2] ist im Folgenden wiedergegeben. Deutsche Übersetzung Vor kurzem habe ich gesehen, dass viele Gerüchte über mich im…

Climate emergency declaration of 17.5 million people

Although governments on a state or country-level do not seem to realize, acknowledge or act upon the climate crisis emergency, local councils and cities are  acting much more decisive. According to the website “Climate Emergency Declaration” [1, 2] as of 2019-01-16, cities and councils representing 17.5 million citizens have declared a climate emergency, including major…

Open access to scientific information on climate crisis

Do we really want to lock original scientific information which is crucial for policy making behind paywalls, for example, in Springer’s journal “Nature Climate Change” [1]? Although the “Nature” brand may give scientific findings additional credibility and impact, this would mean that citizens, scientists, business leaders, and politicians, esp in poorer countries, will have less…

Important reports on the eco-socio-economic crisis

The following list contains important environmental reports which document the status of the biosphere in chronological order (to be extended). World Economic Forum (2019-01-15). Global Risks Report 2019. Source:  G20 (2018-11-14). G20 Brown to Green Report 2018. Source: Comment: The Brown to Green Report 2018 is the world’s most comprehensive review of G20…

Biofuels and carbon emissions

I recently came across the advertisement of [1, 2], who advertises national flights in Sweden using bio fuels. While there is still a discussion going what effect various types of bio fuels have on carbon emissions (and other aspects of the biosphere, like land use change and biodiversity), environmental organization warn against using bio…

A primer on security, privacy, and anonymity of IT systems

Users of the internet who share information, e.g. by participating in public discussions, may protect their identity or control the audience with whom they share information. One basic reason is that individuals act as members of various social groups (e.g. family, rugby club, church choir, colleagues from oil company,…) who have different values and social…

Reduce commercials by 90% and add climate impact!

I have just stressed to other friends in the climate movement how important I find to control commercials 1) in terms of quantity and 2) environmental risk information to reduce consumption last week. Therefore, when I discovered George Monbiot’s article [1] on the role of advertisements and academia in society, I was very excited to…

Agenda 2019 – A New Year’s resolution

After year 2018 is coming to its end, I would like to reflect the current ecological crisis and what action is need to make progress  in year 2019 [to be continued]: The inertia in the political and economic transformation has to be reduced by pressure on political leaders and the society to reduce the distance…

Protest Songs (Swedish)

The following list contains protest songs against the eco crisis in Swedish: Sjung för klimatet! (JUST EARTH)  [DOCX]   [PDF] (Svensk översättning av Staffan Lindberg (Twitter: @CO2bantaren, 2018-12-14) av den originala songen ”Sing for the Climate (Do It Now!)” from Just Earth by Paulette Meier, Jamie Fota, Len Webb and Diana Porter, URL: Tänd…
