Install /e/ OS (Android) on
used mobile phone Motorola Moto G4 (athene)

All Smartphones: List of supported devices [Link] Motorola Moto G4 (athens): Overview of installation procedure for Moto G4 [Link] Preparation: Prepare Phone: Enable USB Debugging in Moto G4 [Link] Prepare Computer: Install Android Debug Tools (adb, fastboot) on connected computer (Linux) to connect to mobile phone [Link] Prepare Backup & Installation: Install (flash) custom recovery…

Criteria for Protection of Digital Communication

In general, to protect digital communication the following features are important: Verification: The addresses of the sender and receiver can be verified to be owned by the expected persons. Anonymity: The sender and/or the receiver of a message cannot be associated with an identifier by a third party. If identifiers are available, the identifiers cannot…

Most popular #politicalframing to attack climate activists (and counter-frames) [updated]

1. Introduction The following text aims to analyse common #politicalframes to attack climate activists and delay climate action. Attackers are attaching negative associations to climate activists or causing confusion in a discussion making it ineffective and leaving the audience vulnerable to emotional-irrational reactions. By analysing these frames and correcting or counter-attacking them, clarity should be…

Poster for cycling mass action

Introduction The poster below can be used for cycling mass actions by attaching it to a bike trailer, makes most sense if you are the last in the cycling action, so following cars can read it. Tutorial Basic idea: Design an A4 format poster, split it over several A4 sheets, print it, cut and glue…

Capitalism, Colonialism, Carbon, and the Climate

I recently received the following questions from an African activist on capitalism, carbon, and climate, which I try to answer below: 1. Capitalism and Climate, how are these impacting us? Capitalism is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit. [1] This means it operates…

Bundesverkehrsminister Scheuer bricht Ministereid – egal, weil er sich durch die CSU nicht demokratisch verantworten muss

Der bayerische Ministerpräsident Markus Söder hat auf dem CSU-Parteitag am 2021-09-10 folgende Aussage gemacht: Ja, wir wollen erneuerbare Energien zu 100 Prozent. Wir wollen neue Antriebe, Andi Scheuer: Elektro, Wasserstoff, synthetische Kraftstoffe. Du hast uns viel Geld nach Bayern gebracht. Und bei allem, liebe Freunde, was der eine oder andere kritisiert an den [sic!] Andi…

Mobile phones and the cloud – How to protect your privacy

Protection of private information is a fundamental prerequisite in democratic, non-totalitarian systems to avoid excessive control by any government or other powerful group to the point, where no change of the system is possible by individual citizens. Mobile phones play a crucial role across the globe now. While the range of hardware  is more diverse,…
