Install /e/ OS (Android) on
used mobile phone Motorola Moto G4 (athene)

  1. All Smartphones: List of supported devices [Link]
  2. Motorola Moto G4 (athens): Overview of installation procedure for Moto G4
  3. Preparation:
    1. Prepare Phone: Enable USB Debugging in Moto G4
    2. Prepare Computer: Install Android Debug Tools (adb, fastboot) on connected computer (Linux) to connect to mobile phone
    3. Prepare Backup & Installation: Install (flash) custom recovery image based on TWRP on mobile phone to backup old and install new Android OS
      [Link] [TWRP IMAGE,  .img]
  4. Backup & Installation of OS:
    1. Backup of old Android OS: Backup NAND memory of old Android OS (NANDroid) on mobile phone
    2. Installation of new Android OS on mobile phone: Install  (sideload) image of /e/ OS Android OS
      [Link] [EOS IMAGE, .zip]
  5. Installation of recommended apps:
    1. Aurora app (with anonymous account): app repository connecting directly to Google PlayStore (without Google Mobile Services)
    2. Element app: open-source, federated secure messenger with peer-to-peer encryption based on [matrix] protocol
    3. Salfeld Child Control (“Kindersicherung”) App:   parental control solution to set time limits for the devices, apps, and websites


  • SD card is required to install TWRP and make back-up
  • SD card maybe not recognized, wiping of phone and reformating SD card may be necessary.
  • Format as SD card as external storage (SD card as internal storage may not be recognized).


  • TWRP: Team Win Recovery Project tool is an open-source software custom recovery image for Android-based devices. [Link]
  • NANDroid: “Nandroid, sometimes written as NANDroid, is a portmanteau for NAND flash memory, the type of permanent storage memory that your device uses, and Android. A Nandroid backup is a de-facto (by the hacking community) standard directory structure for backing up a perfect mirror image of your Android device. By doing this backup, you can save literally everything, from your own personal data to the system files.”  [Link]
  • Android custom recovery image: A third-party recovery environment which replaces the default limited stock recovery environment of Google Android OS with a third-party, customized recovery environment, eg Team Win Recovery Project (TWRP), ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM), …  [Link]
