The Anthem of the Anthropocene

Hurt (Original: Nine Inch Nails, 1995, Cover: Johnny Cash, 2002) I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that’s real The needle tears a hole The old familiar sting Try to kill it all away But I remember everything What have I become My sweetest…

Die Wasserstoff-Strategie der deutschen Bundesregierung ist eine versteckte Erdgas/Verbrenner-Strategie

Grüner Wasserstoff ist DAS große Zukunftsversprechen der Gaswirtschaft – und der Politik. Aus Wasser hergestellt mit Strom aus Wind und Sonne, klimaneutral und abgasfrei. Zu schön, um wahr zu sein. Was der Bundeswirtschaftsminister da verspricht, ist vor allem eins – ein großes Lügenmärchen. (Georg Restle, TV-Journalist, MONITOR, 2021-04-29) Die deutsche Bundesregierung arbeitet in krimineller Art…

Tal av advokaten Pia Björstrand i försvar av XR rebellen Anna Termine (2020-12-10, Rådhuset, Stockholm)

Obs! Den här bloggen baserar på en Facebook posting av “Extinction Rebellion Sverige” 2020-12-18 [Web]. Jag formaterade meddelandet och talet för att kunna läsa texten lättare, visa strukturen, och länker referenserna [WI-2020-12-18] 1. Introduktion Förra veckan ställdes rebellen Anna Termine inför rätta för att ha limmat fast sig vid entrén till Socialdemokraternas hus och ha…

XR Rebellion Wave 2020 Berlin: My summary and diary

General The Extinction Rebellion Wave 2020 in Berlin faced special challenges because of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. However, up to 500 activists (according to newspaper articles, police statements, member count of activists channels) from XR Germany, XR Poland, and XR Sweden participated in the Rebellion Wave 2020 with multiple actions including protest marches, speeches, art…

Using Pretty Good Privacy on Linux and Android Phones

Three basic features of secure communication include: Identity, ie to control the identity of the sender (you) and the receiver and protect it against identity theft Privacy, ie to control the information and protect it against information theft Integrity, ie to control the system  and protect it against modification from others (“hacking”) The OpenPGP standard…

AIDS, Civil Resistance … and Fauci

Civil Resistance (Non-Violent Direct Action) played an important role in the early stages of the AIDS pandemic in the 1980ies to channel public funding into drug development and promote patient access to treatment. After the disease started spreading in the homosexual community in the USA in 1981 in a conservative culture of ignorance and victim…
