Application of Selectorate Theory by Bueno de Mesquita et al. to the Political System of the USA

Question: Please describe the term “influentials” according to Selectorate Theory by Bueno de Mesquita et al. Answer by ChatGPT: In Selectorate Theory, developed by Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and colleagues, the term “influentials” refers to the subset of the winning coalition that holds significant sway over the leader’s ability to maintain power. Selectorate Theory divides…

A review of the electric cargo bike Douze G4e

Introduction I am reviewing the “DOUZE G4e” two-wheeled electric cargo bike (“long-john”) which I have been using since February 2021. I am writing this review to drive forward the development of the DOUZE G4e model in particular and electric cargo bikes, which I consider the future of (sub)urban transport, in general. The review may also…

A classification of social networks

Introduction The abundance of social networks poses questions regarding their similarities and differences to identify redundancies, but potentially also missing services in the social network landscape. Similarities Social networks have the basic feature in common of connecting people via electronic channels. Communication can be based on one or more of the following basic types of…

Why does Germany support Israel so much?

Introduction In the current crisis in Gaza, opinions are sharply divided in the UN between a large global community who condemn Israel’s actions as occupation, apartheid, war crimes and/or genocide on the one side and Israel with staunch allies like the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Italy, and France on the other side. Since the reasons…

Installation of an XMPP-based messenger using
Movim as frontend and PROSODY as backend
on Linux Debian 12 – A tutorial

1. Overview The following tutorial is a complete, detailed and tested set of instructions to install an XMPP-based messaging service (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) [1, 2] using the PROSODY [1] server as a backend and the MOVIM [4, 5] client as web browser-based frontend. This installation corresponds to company-owned social messengers, such as the…

Nervendrucktechniken (“Schmerzgriffe”) im Polizeieinsatz bei friedlichen Klimaprotesten

Disclaimer: Ich habe keine juristische Qualifikation. Der folgende Blog stellt eine subjektive Zusammenstellung zum Thema dar, welche in Zukunft auf Grund von Rückmeldungen aktualisiert werden wird. 1. Einleitung Aktivisten, welche sich für Schutz des Klimas und Artenvielfalt einsetzen, werden zunehmend von der Polizei in Deutschland härter behandelt, wobei auch Nervendrucktechniken, sogenannte “Schmerzgriffe”, eingesetzt werden, um…

How to become a Swedish Citizen (in less time)

If an adult wants to become a Swedish Citizen [1], you have to fulfill the following criteria [2], of which roughly require that you  have lived in Sweden for 5 years, have made a living and stayed out of trouble. In generally, it is a simple process to follow (at least if you are a…

The Meaning of Money

The following essay explores the meaning of money inspired by Modern Monetary Theory [1] and its relevance regarding ecological crises, especially the climate crisis. 1. Assumptions Money consists of statements about human behaviour in the future. The value of money depends on the shared belief of a group of humans. The shared belief is created…

Civil political protests to increase traffic safety of school children with a focus on Germany and road blocks

Question Can you provide examples with links of civil protests to increase the traffic safety of school children? Answer by ChatGPT There have been several civil protests and movements across the world aimed at increasing traffic safety for school children. These often involve community members, parents, and advocacy groups pressing for safer infrastructure, stricter traffic…
