Banderoller för att stödja “Skogsupproret”

1. Introduktion

Jag har designad två banderoller för att stödja “Skogsupproret” [1]:

Sveriges sista naturskogar skövlas och samers urfolksrätt kränks. Statliga Sveaskog prioriterar kortsiktiga vinster. Skogsupproret är ett uppror från samiska och icke-samiska aktivister i Extinction Rebellion. Vi vill bevara skogen.



2. Instruktion (engelska)

Note: You can skip steps 1 to 5 by using the banner templates (PDF format) available for download below.

  1. Install XR fonts (FUXCED font)
    Download Fonts (including special Swedish characters): fucxedcapsregularswedish.ttf (ttf files, zipped)
  2. Read Instructions from print service [General Instructions]
    Instructions for rectangular, landscape banner (3m x 1m): Flyeralarm_Instruktion_Banderoll_plane_100x300.pdf
  3. Design poster (including bleed and safety distance)
    Note: Bleed does not work properly in SCRIBUS (or with the PDF Driver respectively), so I recommend overlaying frames to allow for the bleed and set the bleed in SCRIBUS to zero.
  4. Export with CMYK color model to PDF with recommended resolution of 356dpi
  5. Optional: Quick check colours with print of banner on a single A4 paper with your own colour printer
  6. Upload to [Link to order of 3m x 1m banner on]
    Note1: Cost for 2 copies of 3m x 1m banner with eyelets about 500 SEK (multiples of 2 copies are cheaper).
    Note2: You buy the banner first, and then upload the file using the upload link in the confirmation email.
    Note3: Canceling an order, before it went into print was no problem.
    Note4: Alternative  online printshops: (Germany),   Tryckshop HSOP (Uppsala, Sweden)
  7. Delivery with UPS was slightly annoying but the banners arrived after 2 to 3 weeks.


3.1 “Rädda Skogen” banderoll


Banner_ExtinctionRebellion_RäddaSkogen_V2.pdf (ready-to-print, incl CMYK color model)

Banner_ExtinctionRebellion_Rä (zipped SCRIBUS file)


[1] Jarl, E. et al. (2021-02-06). Svenskt skogsbruk är en klimatskandal.

3.2 “Avkolonisera Sápmi” banderoll


Banner_ExtinctionRebellion_AvkoloniseraSapmi_V3.pdf (ready-to-print, incl CMYK color model)

Banner_ExtinctionRebellion_AvkoloniseraSapmi_V3.sla (zipped SCRIBUS file)



[2] Jonas Fröberg, Joel Dahlberg (2018-05-04). ”Gör samers rättigheter till nationell prioritet”, Svenska Dagbladet,
Note: Artikeln skriver om “urfolksdeklaration ILO 169”, som är en sammanblandning av “urfolksdeklarationen” som Sverige har skrivit på 2007 och “urfolkskonventionen” (ILO 169) som Sverige har inte skrivit på, dvs ratifierat.

Legal Nature:

Convention: A convention has legal binding. vs Declaration: A declaration does not have legal binding.


Difference between “Declaration” vs. “Convention:

Convention, generic: “a source of law, apart from international customary rules and general principles of international law” (synomymous to “treaty”)

Convention, specific: “… formal multilateral treaties with a broad number of parties. Conventions are normally open for participation by the international community as a whole, or by a large number of states.”

Declaration: “The term “declaration” is used for various international instruments. However, declarations are not always legally binding. The term is often deliberately chosen to indicate that the parties do not intend to create binding obligations but merely want to declare certain aspirations.”



“Sverige röstade för resolutionen, men den svenske representanten i Generalförsamlingen reserverade sig mot vissa delar av resolutionstexten. Hon menade att de referenser i resolutionen vilka erkände kollektiva rättigheter inte stod över enskilda mänskliga rättigheter och att Sverige inte ansåg att kollektiva rättigheter ingick i folkrätten.”

Urfolkskonventionenen (ILO 169):

“I Sverige hänvisas till att samernas rätt till mark och vatten, liksom jakt- och fiskerättigheter utreds.[3][4] Frågan om en ratificering av Sverige är ännu (2019) inte avgjord.”

[3] Åsa Larsson Blind (2020-11-26). SSR (Svenska Samernas Riksföbund) uppmanar Sveriges regering att ta sitt ansvar för det statsägda storskogsbruket och respektera renskötselrätten.

[4] United Nations Association of Sweden (March 2018). Alternative report to Sweden’s 22nd and 23rd Periodical Reports to the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,

[5] United Nations Association of Sweden (June 2019). Joint Submission for Sweden’s Third Universal Periodic Review in 2020,

[6] Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (2020-11-26). Opinion approved by the Committee under article 14 of the Convention concerning communication No. 54/2013,
