Creating a hidden, light-weight, home-based social network using Docker Containers – A Tutorial [InspIRCd version, LEGACY]

1. Introduction 1. 1 Overview Here, I provide a detailed and complete tutorial on how to install a generic, text-based, channel-based social network based on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) technology using DOCKER containers. The current software stack provides a low-cost solution to build a social network with anonymity for clients and servers (via Tor) and…

A (subjective) overview over high-quality, progressive news media

“Kindness, honesty and science are partisan, if some parties are spreading hate, spin, and lies.” – Anonymous Introduction Here, I have compiled a list of international news sources and news apps, which I have subjectively assessed as progressive and high-quality (ie, following standards of good journalism and advocating the public good, ie democratic ecosocialism) based…
