The status of Sweden according to the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) Results 2018 [1, p. 4]:
“Driven in particular by a comparably high performance in the index’ emissions category, Sweden ranks fourth in this year’s CCPI. Per capita emissions have showed a relatively positive development from 2010 – 2015 with and without LULUCF*. However, GHG, emissions without LULUCF are decreasing at a much slower pace. Main drivers for the drop within Sweden‘s LULUCF emissions are net forest growth but also natural fluctuations in emissions from the agricultural sector. Another cause of concern is that whilst having a very high scoring in terms of the current share of renewable energies, the country’s renewable energy target for 2030 is still not sufficient for the well-below-2°C limit. National experts criticize the restricting extent of the renewable energy target that only focuses on the electricity sector. They further argue for a near-term phase out of nuclear energy and fossil fuels, especially emphasizing natural gas, and demand action on Sweden’s transport sector and consumption-based emissions that are twice the size of territorial emissions, and not decreasing.”
According to the PRINCE final report [2] , “The new results show that around two-thirds of the emissions of greenhouse gases and particulate matter occurred outside Sweden in 2014.”
The Naturvardsverket states, that a person per year in Sweden causes 10 tons of CO2 equivalents by consumption, while the IPCC report states that on average all humans can only emit 1 ton per person and year to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050 [3], which means than consumption-based emission need to reduced to 10% in Sweden.
Similarly, the Global Footprint Network shows, that the natural ressources consumed in Sweden are 4 times higher than sustainable, ie if all people on the planet would have the same lifestyle as in Sweden, they would need 4 planets [4].
* Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry
[1] Jan Burck, Franziska Marten, Christoph Bals, Niklas Höhne (2017-11). Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) – Results 2018. URL:
[2] Steinbach, N., Palm, V., Cederberg, C., Finnveden, G., Persson, L., Persson, M., Berglund, M., Björk, I., Faure, E. and Trimmer, C. (2018). Miljöpåverkan från svensk konsumtion: Nya indikatorer för uppföljning [Environmental Impacts from Swedish Consumption: New Indicators for Follow-up]. Final report of the research project PRINCE. EPA report no. 6842. Naturvårdsverket, Stockholm. (Swedish language). ISBN: 978-91-620-6842-4. URL:
[3] Naturvardsverket (2018-11-28) . Konsumtionsbaserade växthusgasutsläpp per person och år. URL:
[4] Global Footprint Network (2018-11-28). Ecological footprint of Sweden in numbers of earths. URL: