Today, I protested again against the climate crisis and the lack of climate action from 13pm to 15pm at Forumtorget, Uppsala. I could keep all honor of today’s protest for myself (happy to share next time :-). I did not have any stickers to distribute like last time, so the protest was far less interactive, however, I got good exposure, because the weather was fine and the pedestrian zone busy. I had some short positive interactions, of which I want to mention a few nosy children asking their parents what my poster was about, a maybe 10-year old boy carrying a guitar on his back giving support (“I think it’s good that you are striking!”), and a longer conversation around the consequences of climate change with a well-informed guy around 40. Again I met my favourite denialist (or should I say nemesis?) who wanted to engage in a conversation, which I immediately successfully stopped (Actually, I looked up the number of the police in advance to be able to quickly call them in case he was again interfering with my protest again). As usual, I treated myself to a coffee, a muffin, and some blogging in the nearby cafe afterwards … 🙂