If an adult wants to become a Swedish Citizen [1], you have to fulfill the following criteria [2], of which roughly require that you have lived in Sweden for 5 years, have made a living and stayed out of trouble. In generally, it is a simple process to follow (at least if you are a European citizen, your mileage may vary). However, I have heard from my expat community that the overall process can take several years after submitting you application. To avoid such a long waiting time and reduce the process to about 8 months, the following steps are important.
- Apply for Swedish citizenship to Migrationsverket [1]
- Wait for 6 Months
- If you have not gotten a reply:
- Go to Migrationsverket
- Search after “”Begäran om att avgöra ett ärende” (Appeal for decision) [3]
- Fill in the form and send it to the Migrationsverket to appeal for a decision upon a procedure
- You will get a rejection of your appeal for a decision (Migrationsverket: “difficult decision, “takes time”)
Note: This is a rejection of you appeal to make a (fast) decision, not a rejection of your application for Swedish citizenship. - Follow the instructions to appeal the rejection of your appeal for decision.
- You will get a reply by the court that they told the migrationsverket to speed up their decision making and the decision by the migrationsverket with a (hopefully positive) reply at about the same time.
The overall process (if no other barriers appear) should take about 8 months.
[1] https://www.migrationsverket.se/Privatpersoner/Bli-svensk-medborgare.html
[2] https://www.migrationsverket.se/Privatpersoner/Bli-svensk-medborgare/Ansok-eller-anmal-om-medborgarskap/Medborgarskap-for-vuxna.html
[3] https://www.migrationsverket.se/download/18.1ef19f6e163f45d340aa51/1698676924572/270011_Begaran_avgora_arende_sv.pdf