How re-design and update posters and flyers – Support for the “Återställ våtmarker” movement

1. Introduction

I have recently supported an eco activist movement group in Sweden called “Återställ våtmarker” [1] (“Rebuild wetlands”) by updating flyers and posters with new events. The problem turned out that the shared versions were based on the open-source LibreOffice/LibreWriter [2] (.odt) format and the proprietary Adobe InDesign [3] (.indd) format. Although I finally bought a monthly InDesign license and updated the LibreOffice documents, I decided to redesign the documents in open-source Scribus [4] (.sla) format. Here, I describe how to re-design posters and flyers, even if the documents are not accessible in their original format with human-readable layout definitions, but only as PDF files.

2. Problem

2.1 Disadvantages of open-source LibreOffice (.odt) format

  • Does not support CMYK color model (only RGB), which is a standard requirement by professional printshops for reliable color translation from electronic to printed media and makes it harder to replicate the Unified Design requirement (e.g. color definitions) of  clients.
  • Does not support PDF/X versions (only PDF/A), which is a standard requirement by professional printshops for reliable document eXchange
  • Does not support document sizes larger than 300cm, e.g. for banners

2. 2 Disadvantages of proprietary InDesign 2022 (.indd) format

  • expensive, e.g. 380SEK/month for subscription
  • export to XML-based format .idml did corrupt layout when imported to open-source SCRIBUS (v.1.5.8) program, ie not transferable file format
  • user lock-in with problems to transfer work between activists in a dynamic, non-profit organization

2.3 Printshop requirements

Examples of printshop requirements [5-9, esp. 6]:

  • File types
  • Color calibration
  • Size and scale
  • Resolution
  • Bleeds and marks
  • Die-cuts, printing technisqus (Paper, PVC, cloth,…)

A special note on PDF versions [8, 17], which are required by printshops and can be confusing:

  • PDF/X1a:2001 (“safest standard”, PDF1.3, only CMYK colors, no transparencies), e.g. requested by [7].
  • PDF/X-3:2002 (“most common standard”, PDF1.3, CMYK and RGB colors, no transparencies (reduced)), e.g. requested by  [5].
  • PDF/X-4:2010 (“most flexible standard”, PDF1.6, CMYK and RGB colors, transparencies, layers, esp for printing textiles) [9], e.g. requested by (exactly PDF/X-4:2008) [18]

2.4 Overview of practical Issues in re-designing media

  1. Identify source and target format (e.g. A5 to A6 format)
  2. Identify the geometry (coordinates) of the used objects in a document (e.g. text boxes, images,…)
  3. Identify color definitions
  4. Identify used fonts, access and install the fonts
  5. Access to high-resolution images, e.g. logos, fotos, etc
  6. Estimate additional typographic features (e.g. line spacing, stretching of letters and spaces, …)
  7. Compromises in layout between original and target requirements of (assumed) printshop
  8. Adjustments to layout because of new information added, eg new address may not fit on line

3. Solution

3.1 Advantages of open-source SCRIBUS (.sla) format

  • open-source, ie in a dynamic movement design tasks can be moved to other activists without problems regarding access to software
  • support of CMYK color model
  • support of a wide range of PDF versions, which allows to meet specific requirements of printshops
    Note: PDF versions are qualitatively different, higher version must not be better, depends on purpose and ultimately the printshop

3.2 Overview of practical solutions for re-designing media

  1. Identify source and target format (e.g. A5 to A6 format)
    1. Open file in original software (e.g. LibreWriter, InDesign, PDF reader) and select object to read out position and size
    2. If only PDF available, open PDF in LibreDraw
  2. Identify the geometry (coordinates) of the used objects in a document (e.g. text boxes, images,…)
    1. see issue 1)
  3. Identify color definitions
    1. Check unified design guidelines, if available
    2. Otherwise, open file in graphics program like GIMP and read color
  4. Identify used fonts, access and install the fonts
    1. Open file in original software (e.g. LibreWriter, InDesign, PDF reader) and select object to read out font family, font style, and font size
    2. If only PDF available, open PDF file in text editor to identify fonts (cf BaseFont tags)
    3. Use Imagemagick [10] tools, and pdffonts myfile.pdf command to extract the used fonts
    4. Download and install fonts from repositories [14-16]
  5. Access to high-resolution images, e.g. logos, fotos, etc
    1. Check unified design guidelines, if available (AV provided me with relevant design guidelines and ressources, e.g. logos)
    2. Open file in original software, and export the relevant object
  6. Estimate additional typographic features (e.g. line spacing, stretching of letters and spaces, …)
    1. Guessing and measure by eye …
  7. Compromises in layout between original and target requirements of (assumed) printshop
    1. I had to adjust target document formats (e.g. A5) by adding bleeds to meet the requirements by printshop
  8. Adjustments to layout because of new information added, eg new address may not fit on line
    1. Links were broken or outdated, so I had to find current links, e.g. to Facebook sites, and generate the QR codes

3.3 Useful tools

  1. Linux OS provides a wide range of tools to process PDF and Postscript files and open-source tools for graphics manipulation.
  2. Microsoft Windows allows to install Linux as Windows Subsystem Layer (WSL) via the Microsoft Store to run Linux command line tools [12] in the PowerShell terminal window.
  3. Use ghostscript [11] command line tool to convert between PDF formats []
  4. see also technical instructions in Blog “Extinction Rebellion – Protest Banners (English, German, Swedish)” [13] (“Printing Issues and solutions”)


The documents below have been re-designed based on original documents provided by “Återställ våtmarker” in Scribus (.sla). The event info is based on mobilisation wave 2022/2. The documents assume the technical requirements by printshop, except that is used the “safest” PDF version PDF/X1a:2001 [5]. (Note: Specifications will be updated to [18])

4.1 Flyer “Vill Du rädda klimatet?”



AV_Flyer_VillDuRäddaKlimatet_Föreläsningar_Våg2_A5.pdf (ready to print)

AV_Flyer_VillDuRäddaKlimatet_Föreläsningar_Våg2_A6.pdf (ready to print)

AV_Flyer_VillDuRäddaKlimatet_Föreläsningar_Vå (editable)

4.2 Flyer “Är du livrädd?”




AV_Flyer_ÄrDuLivrädd_Föreläsningar_Våg2_A5.pdf (ready to print)
AV_Flyer_ÄrDuLivrädd_Föreläsningar_Våg2_A6.pdf (ready to print)
AV_Flyer_ÄrDuLivrädd_Föreläsningar_Vå (editable)

4.3 Poster “Kom pa föreläsning!” (1 Example)



AV_Poster_KomPåFöreläsning_Våg2_A3_20220531_19-21_Dynamo.pdf  (ready to print)

AV_Poster_KomPåFöreläsning_Vå (editable)


[1] https://återställvå (Watch out for the “heavy metal” umlauts in the link!)
















[17 ]

