The Future of Africa – A series on African activists

“African climate activists represent the best of Africa by being often in difficult situations themselves and still finding the strength and empathy to stand up for themselves and others. The least the Global North can do is to open their hearts and minds for the messages of these activists, and take gradual steps towards reducing…

Documentär “More of everything – The Swedish Foresty Model” – Transcript [Swedish]

1. Scientists and experts, in order of appearance [57h38m] [AL] ARTUR LARSSON, Conservation biologist -System Manager, Swedish Species Information Centre [MB] MARY S. BOOTH, Director, Partnership for Policy Integrity [BJ] BENGT GUNNAR JONSSON, Professor, Mid Sweden University, Department of Natural Sciences [EW] ERIK WESTHOLM, Professor Emeritus, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department for Urban and…

Documentary “More of everything – The Swedish Forestry Model ” – Transcript [English]

1. Scientists and experts, in order of appearance [57h38m] [AL] ARTUR LARSSON, Conservation biologist -System Manager, Swedish Species Information Centre [MB] MARY S. BOOTH, Director, Partnership for Policy Integrity [BJ] BENGT GUNNAR JONSSON, Professor, Mid Sweden University, Department of Natural Sciences [EW] ERIK WESTHOLM, Professor Emeritus, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department for Urban and…

Banderoller för att stödja “Skogsupproret”

1. Introduktion Jag har designad två banderoller för att stödja “Skogsupproret” [1]: Sveriges sista naturskogar skövlas och samers urfolksrätt kränks. Statliga Sveaskog prioriterar kortsiktiga vinster. Skogsupproret är ett uppror från samiska och icke-samiska aktivister i Extinction Rebellion. Vi vill bevara skogen. Källor: [1] 2. Instruktion (engelska) Note: You can skip steps 1 to 5…
